Join a League

Start playing in one of your friend's leagues or find one in our public directory

Step 1

Find a league to join. Search our directory or find a league by ID.

Step 2

Create your team. Pick a team name, upload your team logo and colors, pick optional co-owners.

Step 3

Wait for your commissioner to start a draft. Your commissioner can choose to have a 1 hour or 1 month long draft.

Step 4

Start your fantasy season! Your team will be easily accessible from the front page.

Create a New League

Don't want to wait for somebody else to organize a league?
Find as few as 5 others and you'll be off and running

Step 1

Create a league - assign rules, scoring, scheduling, and more.

Step 2

Recruit users to join your league. Send invites, advertise your league in our league directory and forums.

Step 3

Let your owners build their squads. Start a draft.

Step 4

Start your fantasy season! Your league will be easily accessible from the front page.

Social Media

Help grow by joining our online communities. Get the latest updates as they're announced and weigh in with feedback of your own!

Austin Kent