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Scoring system - FPPM or classic

Mar. 5, 2015
9:35:48 am

I am looking to set up a new league and this platform looks great. I only have a simple question: can we use the traditional scoring system?
(I scored more, rebounded and blocked more and had all percentages and TOs but my opponent took assists and steals, total score 7-2)
I am looking for a 30 team league with real franchises and real schedule constraints (opponents, number of games per week) (this week Curry is only playing twice, I will get only half the stats than last week, where he played 4 times).

A lot of great features here, but since we cannot start a league today, Id like to know what felxibility we have here.

Thanks a lot

Mar. 5, 2015
1:59:46 pm

Hey - There currently is no option to use category-based scoring. The weight of each stat category, however, is completely customizable. I know they're not the same, but if you want to make something like steals more valuable, you can certainly do that.

I'm not sure if you've seen this, but here's a run-down of why we like it here: http://basketball.sports.ws/tour/what.x

If you're looking for a hardcore 30-team league, I'm sure you'll find it. There are plenty of regular leagues that sprout up every fall and there's always room for brand new ones too.
